The 2019 Genetics Society of Australasia Conference: summarising an exciting meeting

André Nogueira Alves presenting his poster at the GSA
In the first week of July, Melbourne was fortunate enough to host Australasia’s premiere meeting in genetics, the Genetics Society of AustralAsia (GSA) conference. Three of us, Jade Kannangara, Christen Mirth, and myself (André Nogueira Alves) attended this meeting, contributing two talks and a poster. GSA was intense, running for four days from 8:30am to 7pm, but worth it. Ranging from populations genomics, to fine tuning in chromatin condensation, this meeting has something for everyone with an interest in genetics. In addition to many amazing talks, I particularly enjoyed the talks of plenary speakers Ross Cagan, Florence Marlow, and Peter Dearden. The winners of the three medals, for early, mid, and late career researchers, each gave talks that provided examples of how great minds generate great ideas. Because talk sessions were divided by themes, all of which were interesting, I found it difficult to decide which sessions to attend. I was pleased by venturing and exploring some themes I wouldn’t otherwise if I hadn’t come to this conference. It was a great meeting and I am excited for next year’s joint GSA/COMBIO conference (also to be held in Melbourne), confident it will be an equally great experience.